
  • Northern Passage: American Vietnam War Resisters in Canada by John Hagan
  • All American Boys: Draft Dodgers in Canada from the Vietnam War by Frank Kusch
  • A Good and Wise Measure: The Search for the Canadian-American Boundary, 1783-1842 by Francis M. Carroll

  • The Shaping of American Ethnography: The Wilkes Exploring Expedition by Barry Alan Joyce
  • When the Eagle Screamed: : The Romantic Horizon in American Expansionism, 1800-1860 by William Goetzmann
  • Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian by Paul Russell Cutright and Michael J. Brodhead

  • The Dream of Nation. A Social and Intellectual History of Quebec by Susan Mann
  • Mothers of Invention: Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec by Miléna Santoro

  • The Last Canadian Poet: An Essay on Al Purdy by Sam Solecki

  • Race and Racism: Canada’s Challenge by Leo Driedger and Shiva S. Halli
  • Dreaming Black Writing White: The Hagar Myth in American Cultural History by Janet Gabler-Hover
  • Being Black: Essays by Althea Prince
  • Writing from the Borderlands: A Study of Chicano, Afro-Caribbean and Native Literatures in North America by Carmen Cáliz-Montoro

  • Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State by Alan C. Cairns
  • Justice in Paradise by Bruce Clark

  • Women and Narrative Identity: Rewriting the Quebec National Text by Mary Jean Green

  • Double Crossings: Madness, Sexuality and Imperialism by Anne McClintock
  • En-Gendering India: Woman and Nation in Colonial and Postcolonial Narratives by Sangeeta Ray
  • Postcolonial Imaginings: Fictions of a New World Order by David Punter

  • Between Women and Nation: Nationalism, Transnational Feminisms, and the State by Caren Kaplan, Norma Alarcón and Minoo Moallem
  • Monsters and Revolutionaries: Colonial Family Romance and Me?tissage by Françoise Vergès

  • Gendering the Nation: Canadian Women’s Cinema by Kay Armatage, Kass Banning, Brenda Longfellow and Janine Marchessault