Short Fiction

  • Truth and Other Fictions by Eva Tihanyi
  • Fragments of the World by Hélène Rioux
  • Vanishing and Other Stories by Deborah Willis

  • Walking on Water by Jancis M. Andrews
  • The Old Familiar by Alex Hawley
  • The Grumpy Man by Raymond Fraser

  • L’apprentissage by Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska
  • Champagne by Monique Proulx

  • The Wrong World by Gregory Betts
  • Reasoning Otherwise by Ian McKay

  • Blackouts by Craig Boyko
  • Buying Cigarettes for the Dog by Stuart Ross

  • Carnet de désaccords by Natalie Stephens
  • Fenêtre sur vie by Nicole Balvay-Haillot

  • Pardon Our Monsters by Andrew Hood
  • Once by Rebecca Rosenblum
  • Reckoning by A. S. Penne
  • The Butcher of Penetang by Betsy Trumpener

  • The Canadian Short Story: Interpretations by Reingard M. Nischik

  • Journey to Atlantis by Philip Roy
  • The Blythes Are Quoted by L. M. Montgomery and Benjamin Lefebvre

  • Carnival Glass by Bonnie Dunlop
  • One Day It Happens by Mary Lou Dickinson
  • Making Olives and Other Family Stories by Darlene Madott
  • Almond Wine and Fertility by Licia Canton