
  • Des langues en partage? : cohabitation du franc?ais et de l’anglais en litte?rature contemporaine by Catherine Leclerc

  • Lingering Tide and Other Stories by Latha Viswanathan
  • Because I Have Loved and Hidden It by Elise Moser
  • Sweetness from Ashes by Marlyn Horsdal

  • Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Canada and the World by Kathryn Walker and Will Kymlicka

  • Marion: The Story of an Artist’s Model by Winnifred Eaton and Karen H. Skinazi

  • Migration and Fiction: Narratives of Migration in Contemporary Canadian Literature by Maria Löschnigg and Martin Loschnigg
  • Fluid Exile: Jewish Exile Writers in Canada 1940-2006 by Eugen Banauch