Primer vs. Prince
January 29, 2015
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Similar Reviews
- Indigenous Picture Books by Britney Burrell
You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith and Danielle Daniel Sukaq and the Raven by Roy Goose, Kerry McCluskey and Soyeon Kim The Gnawer of Rocks by Louise Flaherty and Jim Nelson When We Were Alone by David Alexander Robertson and Julie Flett Jon's Tricky Journey: A Story for Inuit Children with Cancer and Their Families by Patricia McCarthy and Hwei Lim
- Tales from the Heart of the Arctic by Robin McGrath
White Eskimo by Stephen R. Bown How Things Came to Be: Inuit Stories of Creation by Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
- Home in the Reading Chair by Susie DeCoste
Outstanding in the Rain by Frank Viva Home by Carson Ellis The Fabulous World of Mr. Fred by Lili Chartrand
- Overwhelmed by Memory by Adrienne Kertzer
We Are Their Voice: Young People Respond to the Holocaust by Kathy Kacer Lauren Yanofsky Hates the Holocaust by Leanne Lieberman
- Beyond Domesticity by Suzanne James
Out of the Box by Michell Mulder She Said/She Saw by Norah McClintock Stones for my Father by Trilby Kent