K. P. Stich

Works by K. P. Stich

Book ReviewsOpinionsArticles

Book Reviews by K. P. Stich

Black on White
By K. P. Stich
Published in Past, Present, Future. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 138-139 (Autumn/Winter 1993): 162-164.
  • Alphabet of Desire by Ken Norris
  • Acts of Light by Mark Frutkin
  • A Wandering City by Robert Kendall
By K. P. Stich
Published in Writing & Cultural Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 130 (Autumn 1991): 184-185.
  • In the Beginning Was the Word by David Andrus
  • Arcana for a Silent Voice by Peter Baltensperger
  • The Invisible World Is in Decline by Bruce Whiteman
  • The Invisible World Is in Decline, Books II - IV by Bruce Whiteman
Cultivating Race
By K. P. Stich
Published in Slavic and East-European Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 120 (Spring 1989): 168-170.
  • Racial Attitudes in English Canadian Fiction, 1905-1980 by Terrence Craig
Spears & Arrows
By K. P. Stich
Published in Magic & Other Realisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 116 (Spring 1988): 187-189.
  • A Narrow Vision: Duncan Campbell Scott and the Administration of Indian Affairs by E. Brian Titley
Multicultural We Stand
By K. P. Stich
Published in Fictional Patterns. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 99 (Winter 1983): 91-93.
  • The Canadian Alternative by E.D. Blodgett
In German
By K. P. Stich
Published in Fiction in the Seventies. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 92 (Spring 1982): 98-99.
  • Das literarische Kanadabild by Walter E. Riedel

Opinions by K. P. Stich