Leslie Monkman

Works by Leslie Monkman

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Leslie Monkman

Geography Lessons
By Leslie Monkman
Published in New Directions. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 158 (Autumn 1998): 165-167.
  • Land Sliding: Imagining Space, Presence, and Power in Canadian Writing by W. H. New
By Leslie Monkman
Published in Paradigms of Doubleness. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 104 (Spring 1985): 162-163.
  • The Poet and the Critic: A Literary Correspondence between D. C. Scott and E. K. Brown by Robert L. McDougall
In Conversation
By Leslie Monkman
Published in Fictional Patterns. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 99 (Winter 1983): 100-103.
  • Ecrivains contemporains. Entretiens I: 1976-1979 by Jean Royer
Letter to the Authors
By Leslie Monkman
Published in Fictional Patterns. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 99 (Winter 1983): 97-100.
  • La Littérature et le reste by Gilles Marcotte and André Brochu

Articles by Leslie Monkman