Lisa Grekul

Works by Lisa Grekul

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Lisa Grekul

An Uneasy Return to Roots
By Lisa Grekul
Published in web format on Canadian Literature‘s website. (Pending print publication.)
  • Ghosts in a Photograph: A Chronicle by Myrna Kostash (Author)
Generic Expectations
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Mordecai Richler. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 207 (Winter 2010): 154-156.
  • Eva's Threepenny Theatre by Andrew Steinmetz (Author)
  • Century by Ray Smith (Author)
Risky Business
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Mordecai Richler. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 207 (Winter 2010): 154-156.
  • The Golden Mean by Annabel Lyon
  • Burmese Lessons by Karen Connelly
Narrating Tragedy
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Home, Memory, Self. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 203 (Winter 2009): 172-175.
  • Red Dog, Red Dog by Patrick Lane (Author)
  • Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant (Author)
  • February by Lisa Moore (Author)
Uncomplicated Luck
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Context(e)s. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 195 (Winter 2007): 185-187.
  • Summer of My Amazing Luck by Miriam Toews
Removing Masks
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Context(e)s. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 195 (Winter 2007): 143-145.
  • Gargoyles by Bill Gaston
  • The Communist's Daughter by Dennis Bock (Author)
Inspiring and Uninspired
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Visual/Textual Intersections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 194 (Autumn 2007): 145-147.
  • All of Baba's Children by Myrna Kostash (Author)
  • Kobzar's Children: A Century of Untold Ukrainian Stories by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch (Editor)
Escaping Prisons
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Canadian Literature 191 (Winter 2006): 170-173.
  • The Time In Between by David Bergen
  • The Lizard Cage by Karen Connelly
This Much is True
By Lisa Grekul
Published in The Literature of Atlantic Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 189 (Summer 2006): 177-179.
  • The Memory Man: A Novel by Lisa Appignanesi
  • Any Day But This: Stories by Kristjana Gunnars
Doing Justice
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Women & the Politics of Memory. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 186 (Autumn 2005): 148-150.
  • A Bare and Impolitic Right: Internment and Ukrainian-Canadian Redress by Bohdan S. Kordan and Craig Mahovsky
  • Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Common Traditions and New Developments by Monika Fludernik (Editor)
More of the Same
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Archives and History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 121-124.
  • Tricks with a Glass: Writing Ethnicity in Canada by Rocío G. Davis (Editor) and Rosalí­a Baena (Editor)
  • The Ukrainian Wedding by Larry Warwaruk
  • Two Lands, New Visions: Stories from Canada and Ukraine by Janice Kulyk Keefer (Editor) and Solomea Pavlychko (Editor)
Truth & Time
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 161-163.
  • The Long Stretch by Linden MacIntyre
  • Robbiestime by Don Dickinson
(Re)defining Memoir
By Lisa Grekul
Published in Auto/biography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 172 (Spring 2002): 167-169.
  • The Vintage Book of Canadian Memoirs by George Fetherling
  • The Doomed Bridegroom by Myrna Kostash

Articles by Lisa Grekul