M. W. Steinberg

Works by M. W. Steinberg

Book Reviews by M. W. Steinberg

Aspects of Yeats
By M. W. Steinberg
Published in <cite.Time and Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 27 (Winter 1966): 67-69.
  • The World of W. B. Yeats: Essays in Perspective by Ann Saddlemyer and Robin Skelton
Jewish Canadiana
By M. W. Steinberg
Published in Modern Canadian Poets. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 23 (Winter 1965): 80-80.
  • A Selected Bibliography of Jewish Canadiana by David Rome
  • Jews in Canadian Literature: A Bibliography by David Rome
Palatable History
By M. W. Steinberg
Published in Canadian Literature 10 (Autumn 1961): 89-89.
  • Success of a Mission by Eric Koch and Vincent Tovell
Chronicle of Transition
By M. W. Steinberg
Published in Canadian Literature 6 (Autumn 1960): 73-74.
  • Generation Passeth . . . . Generation Cometh by Bere Joseph Ginsburg