Smaro Kamboureli

Smaro Kamboureli is the Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature at the University of Toronto. The author of Scandalous Bodies: Diasporic Literature in English Canada, winner of the Gabrielle Roy Prize for Canadian Literary Criticism, she has edited and co-edited many volumes. Her most recent publications include her article “Diaspora” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature; a bilingual English/Italian edition of her 1985 poetry book, in the second person, in seconda persona; and the co-edited special issue “Literary Solidarities / Critical Accountability: A Mikinaakominis / TransCanadas Special Issue” of the University of Toronto Quarterly to which she has contributed an introduction, “Literary Solidarities: ‘Should I be here?’”

Works by Smaro Kamboureli

Book ReviewsArticlesEditorialsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Smaro Kamboureli

Record of Writing
By Smaro Kamboureli
Published in Letters & Other Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 134 (Autumn 1992): 99-101.
  • Sticks & Stones by George Bowering
  • A Record of Writing: An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography of George Bowering by Roy Miki
By Smaro Kamboureli
Published in Background, Foreground. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 127 (Winter 1990): 173-178.
  • Liberté by Jacques Bouchard (Editor)
  • Liturgy of Light by Stavros Tsimicalis
Ear & Eye
By Smaro Kamboureli
Published in Documenting the Landscape / Notes on Sinclair Ross. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 103 (Winter 1984): 138-141.
  • The Tyrian Veil by Kenneth Banks
  • A Minor Operation by Phil Hall (Author)
  • Seven Robins by Neile Graham (Author)
  • Stranded in Terra by Deborah Godin
  • Fire Before Dark by George McWhirter

Articles by Smaro Kamboureli