
Livesay’s Two Seasons of Love
Abstract: THE CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL often is torn by internal emo- IHE tional strife. Perhaps such conflict is an indispensable ingredient for ...

Local Culture and the National Will

Abstract: QNE OF THE THINGS THAT MAKES any discussion of local and national culture difficult is the elusiveness of the terms ...

Location and Address in Vancouver’s New Poetries of Place: Wayde Compton, Peter Culley, Meredith Quartermain

Abstract: To read Vancouver’s contemporary poetry is to be located. That is, the poets of the city present place as dialectically ...

London Recaptured

Abstract: In August 1990,1 returned to London, Ontario, for the first time in at least ten years. The occasion was a ...

Lost Eurydice: The Novels of Callaghan

Abstract: M CALLAGHAN’S best book for a quarter of a century is that which he probably wrote with the least effort ...

Lost in Translation: Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms

Abstract: “There’s always room for beginnings.” —Chorus of MushroomsTeaching Without KnowingHow do we learn if we don’t understand? This question loomed ...

Low Class Oil Trash and the Politico-Aesthetics of the Fossilized Proletariat

Abstract: In the context of the climate crisis and the rise of the far right, scholars have warned of a "nascent fossil fascism" that combines far right authoritarian politics with fossil fuel boosterism (Daggett). In Canada, this conjuncture expresses itself, in part, through extractive populism, a reactionary political project to counter the environmental left (Gunster et al.). Low Class Oil Trash stands out among other extractive populist entities for its foray into cultural production, having written and produced an original song, "Gassed Up," an "anthem for the oil and gas industry." This article does a close reading of "Gassed Up" and Low Class Oil Trash's social media posts. I use Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective's terms "fossilized proletariat," "fossilized whiteness," and "fossilized masculinity" to analyze these petrocultural products, exploring why some members of the working class, despite the threat of climate change, cling to fossil fuels. 

Lowry’s Anatomy of Melancholy

Abstract: HIALF-WAY THROUGH Ultramarine (1933) the novel’s adolescent hero confesses that the desire to write is a disease like any other ...

Lowry’s Debt to Nordahl Grieg

Abstract: S,ANTOS,” he said, “this day shalt thou be with me in paradise” {The Ship Sails On)} Addressed to the ship’s ...

Lowry’s Forest Path: Echoes of Walden

Abstract: FEW MAJOR writers can be so compactly formulated by biog- raphy as Thoreau. His life was simple and uneventful. Contemporary ...