
Sara Jeannette Duncan’s A Daughter of Today: Nineteenth-Century Canadian Literary Feminism and the Fin-de-siècle Magic-Picture Story
Abstract: In his survey of London in the 1890s, Karl Beckson recounts “the magic-picture mania” (47) that swept through fin-de-siècle fiction. ...

Sarah Binks and Edna Jaques: Parody, Gender, and the Construction of Literary Value

Abstract: ‘EFORE CONSIDERING T H E REPUT A TIONS of the fictional Canadian prairie poet, Sarah Binks, and Edna Jaques, the ...

Savage, Degenerate, and Dispossessed: Some Sociological, Anthropological, and Legal Backgrounds to the Depiction of Native Peoples in Early Long Poems on Canada

Abstract: A,FIRST GLANCE, the few long poems written in and about Canada during the high Georgian period (1759-1825) appear to contain ...

Say, That Reminds Me of Another Story

Abstract: ?ÍHILDREN ALWAYS DWELL amongst giants. And I, per- haps, more than some others; on my grandfather’s farm in Pontiac County, ...

Science & Literature in the Twentieth Century

Abstract: If the labours of men of science should ever create any material revolution, direct or indirect, in our condition, and ...

Scott’s “Lakeshore” and its Tradition

Abstract: FRAANK SCOTT’S POEM “Lakeshore” first appeared in Events and Signals (1954), a volume that bore as its epigraph the words ...

Search and Discovery: Margaret Avison’s Poetry

Abstract: IN “Love (III)”, the poem which concludes his “picture of many spiritual Conflicts”, George Herbert portrays the culmination of the ...

Search For a Style: The Poetry of Milton Acorn

Abstract: “Poetry fetter’d fetters the human race.” These lines of Blake still retain their freshness, their significance, as a source from ...

Seeking “Direct, Honest, Realism”: The Canadian Novel of the 1920s

Abstract: ?IHE PERIOD BETWEEN the close of World War I and the crash of the stock marIkHeEt in 1929 was a ...

Self-conscious Canadians

Abstract: I SEE NATIONAL self-consciousness first manifesting itself in Canadian fiction some thirty or thirty-five years ago, with its strongest initial ...