New Issue: 256 — General

New Issue: 256 — General

We are thrilled to announce our newest issue of Canadian Literature, issue 256! In this general issue’s editorial, Editor-in-Chief Christine Kim writes,

In a recent special issue of Canadian Literature on the theme of
poetics and extraction, editors Max Karpinski and Melanie Unrau
draw attention to “Canada as referring, always problematically, to the
land on and with which we live, the settler-colonial nation-state, and
an ideological cultural project” (5). Considering Canada as an ongoing
colonial and ideological environment, they ask: “[I]n what ways might
cultural production and scholarship in the field of ‘Canadian
literature’ address the unfolding, intensifying, and deeply entangled
environmental and social crises that mark the present moment?” (5). They approach environment through a focus on extractivism, which perceives “not only so-called inanimate resources such as furs and oil but also Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour as extractible” (7). To counter extractivism, which they deem tied to racial capitalism and colonialism, Karpinski and Unrau engage with the pieces in their special issue for how they “contribute to envisioning good, non-extractive ways of living and being in relation” (8). The five articles in this general issue take up the particularities of environment quite differently, addressing place in terms of labour newspaper circulation, rural homosocial community, labour protests, mediated nature, and transnational poetic networks. And yet, each article also engages with the question of what it means to “live and be in relation” in these particular environments.

— “Entangled Environments

This issue also features:

The new issue can be ordered through our online store at Happy reading!

New Issue: 255 — General

We are thrilled to announce our newest issue of Canadian Literature, issue 255! In this general issue’s editorial, Editor-in-Chief Christine Kim writes,

What is Canadian literature? The question of how we might define Canadian literature has often been debated through discussions about, for example, canons, institutions, and most recently settler colonialism. But as I return us to this question, I want to pose it differently by approaching the field of Canadian literature as problems of methodology and object. In doing so, I hope to reflect upon how we understand Canadian literature as a category or Canadian literary studies as a field, and, moreover, what work we see them as performing. In reflecting upon how our methods and objects define the field of Canadian literary studies, my intention is to ask questions about how we approach it, the kinds of analytics we employ, and the questions we chase. And as critics working within the field, what do we read? Or to put it another way, what have we conventionally gravitated towards as a proper object for Canadian literary studies? In presuming that others lie beyond the bound of the field, what moves are being made about how we map geographies and write histories? How does that speak to the histories of Canada and which relations it has been willing to acknowledge?

— “Methods, Objects, Fields

This issue also features:

The new issue can be ordered through our online store at Happy reading!

New Issue: 254 — Feminist Critique Here and Now

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Canadian Literature, issue 254. This special issue on Feminist Critique Here and Now is guest edited by Aubrey Hanson and Heather Milne. In their editorial, Aubrey and Heather write:

In recent years, feminism has taken on new urgency in the wake of #ubcAccountable and #MeToo; movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #IdleNoMore have drawn renewed attention to the importance of intersectional feminism; and the covid-19 pandemic has focused attention on questions of class, gender, immigration status, precarity, mental health, and disability rights. These events were at the forefront of our minds as we came together to conceptualize this special issue in the summer of 2021.

– Aubrey Hanson and Heather Milne, “Feminist Critique Here and Now

This issue also features:

The new issue can be ordered through our online store at Happy reading!

Announcing the Canadian Literature Newsletter!

We’re excited to announce that Canadian Literature now has a newsletter. Sign up for updates about new and upcoming issues, calls for papers, subscriptions, and more!

We publish our newsletters four times a year (once per quarterly issue). We will never share or circulate your personal information without your consent.

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New Issue: 253 — Poetics and Extraction 2

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Canadian Literature, issue 253. This special issue on Poetics and Extraction follows issue 251 on the same theme, guest edited by Melanie Dennis Unrau and Max Karpinski. For this issue, guest editor Max Karpinski writes in his editorial:

Across Turtle Island, this summer has felt like something different and unusual—or, perhaps, something intensified. After the smoke of early June, the first week of July was named the world’s hottest on record; in late July, ocean surface temperatures off the coast of Newfoundland approached ten degrees centigrade above normal; and still, out on the land, the fires continue and the smoke plumes grow. This issue of Canadian Literature, with its special section that extends the work and discussion begun in issue 251, the first special issue on Poetics and Extraction, has taken shape in the context of this summer’s fire season. From threats to life, livelihood, and community to the protracted fallout of smoke pollution, the wildfires crystallize the ways that risk is unevenly distributed in environmental crisis.

– Max Karpinski, “Poetics and Extraction 2

This issue also features:

The new issue can be ordered through our online store at Happy reading!

Call for Papers — Swirling into a Field of Life: Works in Conversation with Y-Dang Troeung

Y-Dang Troeung, who passed away at the end of 2022, was always attentive to her own construction as a scholar, writer, and public intellectual. For Y-Dang, these positions were deeply imbricated with her experiences as a refugee, daughter, and mother shaped by the difficult histories of war, genocide, displacement, and resettlement. Y-Dang consistently wove the personal, historical, and political into her wide-ranging work, which included scholarly writings, memoirs, and film. She left behind a small but impactful archive: the academic book Refugee Lifeworlds: the Afterlife of the Cold War in Cambodia (Temple University Press, 2022); the trade-press book of autotheory, Landbridge [life in fragments] (Knopf, 2023); the special issue in Canadian Literature, “Refugee Worldmaking: Canada and the Afterlives of the Vietnam War;” the exhibition “Remembering Cambodian Border Camps, 40 Years Later: An Exhibition at Bophana Audiovisual Center”; and the short film Easter Epic (2024).

This special issue of Canadian Literature, a publication Y-Dang served as associate editor, seeks to celebrate and engage with Y-Dang’s capacious thinking on themes of migration, memory, diaspora, family, autobiography, war, race, illness, and justice within diverse fields such as Canadian literature, transnational Asian literatures, critical refugee studies, transpacific Cold War studies, and critical disability studies, just to name a few. We are interested in intellectually stimulating engagements, reflections, and musings that are genre-fluid, pushing the boundaries of academic and creative writing in ways that reflect Y-Dang’s own desire to explore (and to create) various forms of genre expression. Pieces may directly take up concepts that Y-Dang developed or utilized (refugee lifeworlds / worldmaking, refugee supercrip, kemleang chet (strength of the heart), muteness and the Kapok Tree (dam-doeum-kor), refugee aphasia, minor anecdotes, fragments, autotheory / family memoir, Cold War episteme, race-ability, asylum, among others). They may also be inspired by the embodied methodologies and the fragmentary, anecdotal writing styles Y-Dang practiced. They may be ignited, more generally, by the spirit of her thought and her way of being.

We welcome works that “converse” with Y-Dang in the Latinate meanings of conversari, “to keep company with,” and versare, “to raise or hold suspended.” We seek to create a collection of pieces (3,000-5,000 words), a chorus dwelling in togetherness, suspended on the page. We welcome works about reading and teaching Y-Dang’s work. We welcome works that flout conventions. We welcome works that are generatively experimental. We welcome works that show how Y-Dang’s work makes possible other kinds of works.

In Landbridge, Y-Dang decribes the aftermath of war and displacement as a spiral, a swirling into a “lifeworld, a meditative, repetitious space of beauty, creativity, and regeneration” (258). We hope this special issue can move with this swirl that was Y-Dang’s life and works, and can open further ongoing conversations with her.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions to Canadian Literature must be original, unpublished work. Essays should follow current MLA bibliographic format (MLA Handbook, 9th ed.).

Word length for articles is 3,000-5,000 words, which includes endnotes and works cited.

Please limit images accompanying the submission to those receiving substantial attention in the article. Note that contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce images in their article, and must pay any permission costs. The journal can provide a sample template for permission requests. Permissions must be cleared before publication. Please send low resolution images (small jpegs), in separate attachments. If the article is accepted, high quality images will be required.

Submissions should be uploaded to OJS by the deadline of March 15, 2024 (Pacific Time). Our Submission Guidelines can be found at


Feel free to contact us to discuss ideas ahead of time:

Journal Editor: Christine Kim (

Guest Editors: Chris Patterson ( and Vinh Nguyen (

General Inquiries:

Congratulate Donna Chin on her Retirement!

Cake design by Sharon Engbrecht (2023)

Canadian Literature wishes to congratulate Donna Chin on her forthcoming retirement. After many years and achievements at our journal, Donna will be stepping down from her position as our Managing Editor.

We are pleased to invite friends and community of Donna to share messages of tribute, congratulations, and best wishes as she continues this next part of her life.

We also welcome messages from friends of CanLit—local and international—including editors (current and former), associate and assistant editors, acting editors, members of our editorial board, staff and students, and the many others who have benefited from Donna’s professionalism over the years.

Send congratulations to Donna!

Issue 251 Author Spotlight – Adam Dickinson

Adam Dickinson is the author of four books of poetry. His latest book, Anatomic (with Coach House Books), involves the results of chemical and microbial testing on his body. His work has been nominated for awards including the Governor General’s Award for Poetry. He teaches at Brock University.

Forum: Writing with/against/as Extraction in So-Called Canada: Poets on Poetics

Canadian Literature special issue #251 on poetics and extraction is available to order through our online store at

Call for Papers — How to be at Home in Canada: Placemaking in Indigenous, Diaspora, and Settler Texts


EXTENDED Deadline: January 19, 2024 (PT)

In the landmark 1997 Delgamuukw land claim brought before the Supreme Court of Canada (Delgamuukw v. British Columbia), the Court ruled that traditional Indigenous story was admissible in court as evidence of land ownership, legitimizing a kind of literary land claim. This special issue of Canadian Literature examines the way literary texts claim space and explore questions of belonging for Indigenous, diaspora, and settler populations.

The issue will consider narratives from communities in Canada that assert or contest relations between land, story, ownership and belonging—whether it be in rural or urban environments, and in forms as varied as traditional Indigenous stories or hip hop’s practice of paying tribute to home through “reppin’.” Processes of claiming or challenging narratives of belonging are clearly different for Indigenous, diaspora and settler populations, since one consists of original inhabitants; another of immigrants with ties to elsewhere; and a third of settler populations who examine an uneasy colonial relationship to the land, which ultimately contributes to either a sense of national belonging or alienation. Okanagan scholar, author, and activist Jeannette Armstrong writes, “I am claimed and owned by this land, this Okanagan” (174), and her poetry and prose embody that relationship. In Literary Land Claims (2015), settler scholar Margery Fee traces how texts use strategies to claim – or problematize the act of claiming – land, story, and belonging. How do other populations describe their belonging in territories claimed by Canada?

Black scholar Rinaldo Walcott, in his essay “Towards a Poetics of Black Space(s) in Canada,” signals the importance of such an undertaking: “It seems that one of the challenges facing contemporary Black Canadian art is to move beyond the discourse of nostalgia for an elsewhere and toward addressing the politics of its present location” (46-7). By centring the politics of the present, this issue seeks to demonstrate the ways writers address the politics of place through literary land claims. Connecting community to place in the multiple national imaginaries both engenders and demonstrates belonging, helping us redress systemic racism and assert the right to safe spaces. We will consider the politics of claiming stolen land, and the ways that class, race, cultural practice, gender, sexuality, and disability intersect into questions of territorial belonging, nationhood, and connection to place.

All papers examining space and place in relation to belonging in Canada are welcome, in particular those examining questions of race, cultural practice, gender, sexuality and disability. Papers dealing with “third space” or “liminal space” are also encouraged.

We particularly encourage submissions from emerging scholars. In an effort to include a wide range of perspectives and approaches, this issue will include shorter-form submissions combined with longer forms, and an opportunity for emerging scholars to engage in a mentorship process in implementing editorial comments after the double-anonymized peer-review process.

EDIT: A previous version of the poster for this call includes a typo for the word “Indigenous.” Please note that the link to learn more still works, but the title of the issue will feature the corrected spelling rather than the misspelling in the previous poster.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions to Canadian Literature must be original, unpublished work. Essays should follow current MLA bibliographic format (MLA Handbook, 9th ed.). Word length for articles is 4,000-8,000 words, which includes endnotes and works cited.

Please feel free to contact the journal editor, Christine Kim, at, or the special issue guest editors, Heather Macfarlane (, Sophie McCall ( or Basmah Rahman ( to discuss ideas ahead of time. Submissions should be uploaded to OJS by the deadline of January 1, 2024. Our Submission Guidelines can be found at General questions about the special issue may be directed to

Please limit images accompanying the submission to those receiving substantial attention in the article. Note that contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce images in their article, and must pay any permission costs. The journal can provide a sample template for permission requests. Permissions must be cleared before publication. Please send low resolution images (small jpegs), in separate attachments. If the article is accepted, high quality images will be required.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Jeannette. “Land Speaking.” Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing, edited by Simon Ortiz, U of Arizona P, 1998, pp. 174-95.

Fee, Margery. Literary Land Claims: the “Indian Land Question” from Pontiac’s War to Attawapiskat. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2015.

Lamer, Chief Justice. “Delgamuukw vs. British Columbia.” Canadian Native Law Reporter, vol. 1, 1998, pp. 14-97.

Walcott, Rinaldo. “‘A Tough Geography:’ Towards a Poetics of Black Space(s) in Canada.” Black Like Who? Writing Black Canada. 2nd revised ed., Insomniac Press, 2003, pp. 43-56.


Read more about Canadian Literature‘s Submission Guidelines

Submit your work through Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Issue 251 Author Spotlight – Rūta Šlapkauskaitė

Rūta Šlapkauskaitė is an Associate  Professor of English literature at Vilnius University, Lithuania. Her research interests include Canadian and Australian literature, neo-Victorianism, and environmental humanities. Among her recent publications are “An Ecology of the Hewn in Susan Vreeland’s The Forest Lover” in the collective monograph The Northern Forests co-published by the University of Tartu and Montreal’s Imaginaire Nord; “The He(A)rt of the Witness: Remembering Australian Prisoners of War in Richard Flanagan’s The Narrow Road to the Deep North” in Anglica: An International Journal of English Studies; and “Precariousness, kinship and care: Becoming human in Clare Cameron’s The Last Neanderthal” in The Journal of Commonwealth Literature.

Article: Pro Pelle Cutem: On the Subject(s) of Extraction in Fred Stenson’s The Trade

This paper examines the poetic means Fred Stenson employs in his novel The Trade to dramatize the environmental and affective legacies of the fur trade in Canadian history. Taking its cue from the HBC’s motto and Hortense Spillers’ and Kathryn Yusoff’s thinking about race and flesh, the article considers how the novel expands our reading of the ethics of extraction, organized through the division between living and non-living matter, by correlating its use of the tropes of the skin, bones, and rum to the semiotics of the Windigo figure, which mediates settler colonialism’s extraction of subjectivity through the racial division between humans and nonhumans across the imperial body politic. In thus reappraising the HBC’s interventions into Indigenous ecologies, The Trade highlights the material and visceral impact of the extractive economy while also troubling our ethical readings of Indigenous trauma and resilience.

Canadian Literature special issue #251 on poetics and extraction is available to order through our online store at