Кто из русских знаменитостей Рак по гороскопу детальнее bit.ly/psy3000

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Fantasy Four
By Terry Goldie
Published in Poetic Form. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 97 (Summer 1983): 104-107.
  • Skiamachia by Virgil Burnett
  • Dragonhunt by Frances Duncan
  • Years of Light: A Celebration of Leslie A. Croutch by John Robert Colombo
  • The King's Evil by David Helwig (Author)
By George Woodcock
Published in Female Subjects & Male Plots. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 137 (Summer 1993): 126-126.
  • Rethinking the Future by Patricia Elliott (Editor)
  • A Little Bit of Thunder by Douglas Fetherling
By J. Kieran Kealy
Published in Caribbean Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 95 (Winter 1982): 160-161.
  • Gleebs of Wizagon by Enrico Renz and K. H. Wirsig
  • Ytek and the Arctic Orchid by Garnet Hewitt and Heather Woodall
As We See Ourselves and Others
By George Woodcock
Published in Lovers and Losers. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 59 (Winter 1974): 95-99.
  • I Chose Canada by Joey Smallwood
  • One Damn Thing after Another by Hugh Garner
  • Hugh Garner by Doug Fetherling
  • Bethune by Roderick Stewart
  • Stanfield by Geoffrey Stevens
  • Dobryd by Ann Charney