First Nations

  • George Johnson’s War by Maureen Garvie and Mary Beaty
  • Mission to Little Grand Rapids by Luther Schuetze
  • As Long as the River Flows by Larry Loyie and Constance Brissenden
  • Solomon’s Tree by Andrea Spalding
  • Caribou Song/ atí­hko níkamon by Tomson Highway

  • Historical Atlas of Canada: Canada’s History Illustrated with Original Maps by Derek Hayes

  • (Ad)dressing Our Words: Aboriginal Perspectives on Aboriginal Literatures by Armand Garnet Ruffo
  • Anti-Indianism in Modern America: A Voice from Tatekeya’s Earth by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
  • Native American Representations: First Encounters, Distorted Images, and Literary Appropriations by Gretchen M. Bataille

  • In the Shadow of Evil by Beatrice Culleton Mosionier
  • Whispering in Shadows by Jeannette C. Armstrong

  • How Should I Read These?: Native Women Writers in Canada by Helen Hoy

  • On the Edge of Empire: Gender, Race,and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871 by Adele Perry
  • Framing Our Past: Canadian Women’s History in the Twentieth Century by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke

  • Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women’s History by Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne