Young Adult

  • My Life as a Diamond by Jenny Manzer
  • Skating Over Thin Ice by Jean Mills
  • This Book Betrays My Brother by Kagiso Lesego Molope

  • How Far We Go and How Fast by Nora Decter
  • Lost Boy by Shelley Hrdlitschka

  • Why the Monster by Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley and Toma Feizo Gas
  • Those Who Run in the Sky by Aviaq Johnston and Toma Feizo Gas

  • The Green Man by Michael Bedard
  • Picture me Gone by Meg Rosoff

  • For the Boy with the Eyes of the Virgin: Selected Poems by John Barton
  • Davie Street Translations by Daniel Zomparelli
  • After Desire by George Stanley

  • The Book of Trees by Leanne Lieberman
  • Winter Shadows by Margaret Buffie

  • Home Free by Kim Thúy
  • Folly by Marthe Jocelyn

  • Clay Man: The Golem of Prague by Irene N. Watts
  • Wounded by Eric Walters
  • Medina Hill by Trilby Kent
  • The Battle for Duncragglin by Andrew H. Vanderwal

  • Molly’s Cue by Alison Acheson
  • The Broken Thread by Linda Smith
  • The Secret Fiend by Shane Peacock

  • The Lit Report by Sarah N. Harvey
  • Sister Wife by Shelley Hrdlitschka