
  • Les Partitions d’une époque. Volumes 1 et 2 by André Paiement

  • Killing Things by John Degen
  • The Address Book by Steven Heighton
  • Night Street Repairs by A. F. Moritz

  • The Five Books of Moses Lapinsky by Karen X. Tulchinsky

  • The Five Books of Moses Lapinsky by Karen X. Tuchinsky

  • Special Places: The Changing Ecosystems of the Toronto Region by Betty I. Roots, Donald A. Chant and Conrad E. Heidenreich
  • Toronto: A Literary Guide by Greg Gatenby

  • Committed to the State Asylum: Insanity and Society in Nineteenth-Century Quebec and Ontario by James E. Moran
  • Where the River Narrows by Aimée Laberge

  • Walking on Water by Dave Carley
  • Beaver: A Play by Claudia Day
  • An Acre of Time: The Play by Jason Sherman

  • Cumberland by Michael V. Smith
Review Novel Ontario

  • Hennissements by Patrice Desbiens
  • Humains paysages en temps de paix relative by Robert Dickson
  • Le roseau by Serge Patrice Thibodeau

  • Come, Bright Improvement! : The Literary Societies of Nineteenth-Century Ontario by Heather Murray