Alain-Michel Rocheleau

Works by Alain-Michel Rocheleau

Book ReviewsEditorialsOpinions

Book Reviews by Alain-Michel Rocheleau

Chroniques de Tremblay
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Canadian Literature 180 (Spring 2004): 105-108.
  • Le passé antérieur by Michel Tremblay
  • Impromptu on Nun's Island by Michel Tremblay and Linda Gaboriau (Translator)
  • Rêver la lune by André Brochu
Tremblay conteur
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Literature & War. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 179 (Winter 2003): 178-180.
  • Hotel Bristol New York, N.Y. by Michel Tremblay
  • Bonbons assortis by Michel Tremblay
  • L'homme qui entendait siffler une bouilloire by Michel Tremblay
Nouveautés théâtrales
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Archives and History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 101-103.
  • Les théâtres professionels du Canada francophone by Hélène Beauchamp and Joël Beddows (Editor)
  • Gratien Gélinas. Du naïf Fridolin à l'ombrageux Tit-Coq by Anne-Marie Sicotte
  • Rêves by Wajdi Mouawad
  • Jean et Béatrice by Carole Fréchette
Homosexualité et Suicide
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 138-139.
  • Mort ou fif. a face cache?e du suicide chez les garc?ons by Michel Dorais
Théâtre et traduction
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 130-132.
  • All the Verdis of Venice by Normand Chaurette and Linda Gaboriau (Translator)
  • Down Dangerous Passes Road by Michel Marc Bouchard and Linda Gaboriau (Translator)
Théâtre franco-canadien
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in francophone / anglophone. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 175 (Winter 2002): 165-167.
  • A la gauche de Dieu by Robert Marinier
  • Mentire by Louis-Dominique Lavigne and Robert Bellefeuille
Théâtre d'émotions urbaines
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in francophone / anglophone. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 175 (Winter 2002): 134-136.
  • L'Egoïste by Claude Guilmain
  • Il n'y a que l'amour by Jean Marc Dalpé
Littératures et altérité
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Canadian Literature 154 (Autumn 1997): 179-181.
  • Le trafic des langues: Traduction et culture dans la litte?rature que?be?coise by Sherry Simon
  • Développement et rayonnement de la littérature québécoise: un de?fi pour l'an 2000 by UNEQ
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Postcolonial Identities. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 149 (Summer 1996): 180-181.
  • La littérarité by Louise Milot (Editor) and Fernand Roy (Editor)
  • L'instituion du littéraire au Québec by Lucie Robert
La Québec et sa culture
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Postcolonial Identities. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 149 (Summer 1996): 178-179.
  • Le roman contemporain au Québec (1960-1985) by François Gallays and et al.
  • Territoires de la culture québécoise by Yvan Lamonde
Prose Composite
By Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Published in Marx & Later Dialectics. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 147 (Winter 1995): 192-193.
  • Montréal en prose 1892-1992 by Nathalie Fredette
  • La pisseuse by Anne Elaine Cliché

Editorials by Alain-Michel Rocheleau