
  • Back Flip by Anne Denoon
  • Private View by Jean McNeil

  • Pack up the Moon by Richard Teleky
  • Losing It by Alan Cumyn
Review Novel Ontario

  • Mad Dog by Kelly Watt
  • Lures by Sue Goyette
  • Water Wings by Kristen den Hartog

  • Diaries of Girls and Women: A Midwestern American Sampler by Suzanne L. Bunkers
  • The Farm on the North Talbot Road by Allan G. Bogue

  • Our Glory and Our Grief: Torontonians and the Great War by Ian Hugh Maclean Miller
  • Whistling in the Dark: Memory and Culture in Wartime London by Jean R. Freedman

  • Canadian Poems—Bilingual Editions by Luigi Romeo
  • Italy’s Many Diasporas by Donna R. Gabaccia
  • Ancient Memories, Modern Identities by Domenic Cusmano and Filippo Salvatore
  • Eh, Paesan! Being Italian in Toronto by Nicholas DeMaria Harney

  • Le chien by Jean Marc Gautier
  • L’hypocrite by Michael Gauthier
  • L’insomnie by Robert Marinier

  • Rouleaux de printemps by Patrice Desbiens

  • Testifyin’: Contemporary African Canadian Drama Volume On by Djanet Sears

  • Monkey Beach by Eden Robinson
  • Going Down Swinging by Billie Livingston
  • The Shadow Boxer by Steven Heighton