
  • Qu’Appelle: Tales of Two Valleys by Dan Ring, Trevor Herriot and Robert Stacey
  • Rediscovering the Great Plains: Journey by Dog, Canoe, and Horse by Norman Henderson

  • A Pour of Rain: Stories from a West Coast Fort by Helen Meilleur
  • Kindred of the Wild by Charles G. D. Roberts

  • Women in Pacific Northwest History. Rev. ed by Karen J. Blair
  • Fairy Ring by Martine Desjardins

  • The Arbutus/Madrone Files: Reading the Pacific Northwest by Laurence (Laurie) Ricou
  • Landscapes of the Heart: Narratives of Nature and Self by Michael Aleksiuk and Thomas Nelson

  • A Map of the Senses: Twenty Years of Manitoba Plays by Rory Runnells
  • NeXt Fest Anthology: Plays from the Syncrude NeXt Generation Arts Festival 1996-2000 by Glenda Stirling

  • La francophonie canadienne by Gratien Allaire

  • The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1990 by K. D. M. Snell
  • Spirit Wrestler: An Historical Drama by Greg Nelson
  • The Book of Sarah by Betty Wilson
  • Cyclone by Julia van Gorder

  • Genius of Place: Writing About British Columbia by David Stouck and Myler Wilkinson
  • The Literary History of Alberta Volume Two by George Melnyk
  • Regional Images and Regional Realities by Lothar Ho?nnighausen

  • The Oatmeal Ark: Across Canada by Water by Rory MacLean
  • Ultimate Voyage: A Book of Five Mariners by William Gilkerson
  • Water Studies [:] New Voices in maritime Fiction by Ian Colford