- The Making of Victorian Sexual Attitudes by
- Gender Conflicts: New Essays in Women’s History by and
- Strangers Among Us by
- Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature by
- The Other Woman: Women of Colour in Contemporary Canadian Literature by
- Echo: Essays on Other Literatures by
- Collaboration in the Feminine: W ritings on Women and Culture from Tessera by
- Feminist Measures: Soundings in Poetry and Theory by and
- ReImagining Women: Representations of Women in Culture by and
- Wedding Cakes, Rats and Rodeo Queens by
- Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies by
- The Japanese Woman: Traditional Image and Changing Reality by
- Colour. An Issue by and
- The Indomitable Lady Doctors by
- Letters from a Lady Rancher by
- Separate Spheres: Women’s Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes by and
- Outside the Pale: Cultural Exclusion, Gender Difference, and the Victorian Woman Writer by