Andre Furlani

Andre Furlani is a Professor of English at Concordia University and the author of Beckett after Wittgenstein and Guy Davenport: Postmodern and After (both Northwestern UP). Forthcoming are Pilgrim’s Gress: The Beckett Walk (Cambridge UP) and Foot Prints: The Return of the Pedestrian in Contemporary Literature and Art (Bloomsbury). Recent essays on modern and contemporary literature have appeared in PMLA, Modernism/modernity, Philosophy and Literature, Essays in Criticism, Bréac, and Canadian Literature, as have chapters in The Oxford History of the Classical Reception in English Literature (Oxford UP), The Routledge Guide to Translation in the City (Routledge), and Speaking Memory: How Translation Shapes City Life (McGill-Queen’s UP).

Works by Andre Furlani

Book Reviews by Andre Furlani

Parallel Lives
By Andre Furlani
Published in Meanwhile, Home. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 232 (Spring 2017): 175-177.
  • Pierre-Esprit Radisson: The Collected Writings, Volume 2: The Port Nelson Relations, Miscellaneous Writings, and Related Documents by Germaine Warkentin (Editor)
  • The Writings of David Thompson, Volume 2: The Travels, 1848 Version, and Associated Texts by David Thompson and William E. Moreau (Editor)
Kafka's Metamorphoses
By Andre Furlani
Published in Emerging Scholars. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 226 (Autumn 2015): 150-52.
  • Transforming Kafka: Translation Effects by Patrick O'Neill
Breathing Lessons
By Andre Furlani
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 192-194.
  • declining america by Rob Budde
  • Pause for Breath by Sarah Robyn
  • Swim Class and Other Poems by George Whipple
Here, There, and Nowhere
By Andre Furlani
Published in Strategic Nationalisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 200 (Spring 2009): 175-177.
  • There by Roy Miki (Author)
  • Museum Absconditum by Robert Moore (Author)
  • Come-by-Chance by Carl Leggo (Author)
Two Weddings and a Funeral
By Andre Furlani
Published in Black Writing in Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 182 (Autumn 2004): 149-151.
  • Clinical Studies by George Slobodzian
  • Manitoba Highway Map by rob mclennan (Author)
  • Shaken by Physics by John MacKenzie