Keith Garebian

Works by Keith Garebian

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Keith Garebian

Lies and Grace
By Keith Garebian
Published in The Art of Autobiography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 90 (Autumn 1981): 136-138.
  • Growing Up Stupid Under The Union Jack by Austin Clarke
  • Someone With Me by William Kurelek
Trite Parable
By Keith Garebian
Published in Contemporary Quebec Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 88 (Spring 1981): 98-100.
  • The Garden of Delights by Roch Carrier (Author)
Chaos & Comic Books
By Keith Garebian
Published in Contemporary Dramatists & the Art of the Theatre. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 85 (Summer 1980): 122-126.
  • Five Plays by Larry Fineberg by Larry Fineberg
  • Five Canadian Plays by Ken Gass
By Keith Garebian
Published in The Nineteenth Century. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 81 (Summer 1979): 126-128.
  • Grounds by Gerry Gilbert
  • The Strange Case of Inspector Loophole by Opal L. Nations
  • Murders in the Welcome Café by Endre Farkas
  • Nothing Ever Happens in Pointe-Claire by John McAuley
  • and that?s all by Eddie Suckle
Textures of Disorder
By Keith Garebian
Published in Alberta Writers. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 77 (Summer 1978): 106-108.
  • Adrift by Randal Harker
  • The Mind Gods by Marie Jakober
  • André Tom Macgregor by Betty Wilson
Two Parables for Theatre
By Keith Garebian
Published in Nationalism. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 75 (Winter 1977): 98-102.
  • Api 2967 by Robert Gurik and Marc F. Gélinas
  • The Trial of Jean-Baptiste M. by Allan Van Meer and Robert Gurik
Liberation in the Rag-and-Bone-Shop
By Keith Garebian
Published in Jalna Revisited. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 66 (Autumn 1975): 112-116.
  • Les Belles Soeurs by John Van Burek, Michel Tremblay (Author) and Bill Glassco
  • Hosanna by John Van Burek and Bill Glassco

Articles by Keith Garebian