Nathalie Warren

Works by Nathalie Warren

Book ReviewsPoetry

Book Reviews by Nathalie Warren

Semblable clef de voûte
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 238 (2019): 153-155.
  • Autoportrait de Paris avec chat by Dany Laferrière
  • Sensorielles: Autour de Paul Chanel Malenfant by Vincent Lambert and Jacques Paquin
Les poupées russes
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 158-159.
  • L' Hiver retrouvé by Marie-Noëlle Gagnon
  • Rose Amer by Martine Delvaux
Jeux d'esquive
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Home, Memory, Self. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 203 (Winter 2009): 177-178.
  • Omaha Beach : un oratorio by Catherine Mavrikakis
  • Le ciel de Bay City by Catherine Mavrikakis
Deux promesses de calme
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Strategic Nationalisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 200 (Spring 2009): 166-167.
  • Douze bêtes aux chemises de l'??homme by Tania Langlais
  • La clarté s'installe comme un chat by Tania Langlais
Omnia vanitas
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Strategic Nationalisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 200 (Spring 2009): 126-127.
  • Les gens fidèles ne font pas les nouvelles by Nadine Bismuth
  • Scrapbook by Nadine Bismuth
  • Histoires de s'entendre by Suzanne Jacob
  • L'espèce fabulatrice by Nancy Huston
Chimères et lucidité
By Nathalie Warren
Published in Diasporic Women’s Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 196 (Spring 2008): 142-143.
  • Cobra et colibri by Jean-Paul Daoust
  • Cinéma gris by Jean-Paul Daoust

Poetry by Nathalie Warren