
Robert Kroetsch and Aritha van Herk on Writing & Reading Gender and Genres: An Interview
Abstract: IntroductionKnowing each other as creative writers, teachers, critics, and performers, and both coming from families who immigrated to western Canada ...
Rochdale College: Power and Performance

Abstract: Introduction Rochdale College Power and Performance Rochdale College was a “free university” which, after its initial experimen- tal year in ...

Roderick Haig-Brown

Abstract: IN AN ARTICLE appearing in 1958, Roderick Haig-Brown was described as standing firmly “in that front rank of Canadian writers ...

Romans de la parole (et du mythe)


Roots and Routes in a Selection of Stories by Alistair MacLeod

Abstract: The fact is that the beginning always begins in-between, intermezzo.Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Central to Alistair ...

Roughing It in Bermuda: Mary Prince, Susanna Strickland Moodie, Dionne Brand, and the Black Diaspora


This paper considers the history of transatlantic slavery that haunts early Canadian literatures by exploring the uneasy relationship between Susanna Strickland Moodie and the slave narrative, The History of Mary Prince (1831), for which Moodie acted as amanuensis. Rather than framing Moodie as a settler writer, this paper asks: how might the dominant discourse of English Canadian literature be revised if we understand her instead in a diasporic context? It traces a different trajectory for Canadian letters by considering the intertextual conversations between Roughing It in the Bush (1852) and Prince’s slave narrative, and explores Moodie’s erasures of early black presences from the Canadian landscape. This paper also considers how both Prince and Moodie resonate in contemporary black Canadian writers like Dionne Brand. By examining several of Brand’s works, I argue that her writing, in its refusal of many of the dominant discourses of Canadianness, becomes deeply implicated in them.

Roy Kiyooka’s The Fontainebleau Dream Machine: A Reading

Abstract: ? A GLOSSARY OF ART TERMS in 1851, Eugène Delacroix explored the differences between image and word: “the book is ...

Russian Writers and the Doukhobors

Abstract: 0.NE DAY WHEN ? WAS TALKING to Mavor Moore about his childhood, he recollected going in his parents’ house to ...

Rustling Shadows: Plants as Markers of Historical Violence and Diasporic Identity in Badami’s Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?

Abstract: Anita Rau Badami’s Can You Hear the Nightbird Call? is a novel of negotiation. Explored in the context of simmering ...

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