
P. K. Page ou la quête d’un autre espace
Abstract: Q,UAND p. ?. PAGE affirme dans “After Reading Albino Pheasants” que sa vérité est faite d’un dixième de matière et ...
Pan and the Confederation Poets

Abstract: An unknown race and people occupy That land: are they, perhaps, from our same stock Or do they boast an ...

Pandemic Listening: Critical Annotations on a Podcast Made in Social Isolation

Abstract: We no longer sound the same to each other, and we listen to the world differently than we did before. This co-written article presents a series of reflections upon the implications of the increasing dominance of audiovisual telecommunication environments for how we have been listening to each other and to the world around us during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The reflections explored in this article were first articulated within a media production: the podcast episode, “How are we listening, now? Signal, Noise, Silence,” as part of The SpokenWeb Podcast produced by Camlot and McLeod during the first months of the pandemic. “Pandemic Listening” revisits questions posed in the podcast episode about the implications of our increasingly pervasive Zoom-based methods of communication, and the connection between how we are listening and how we are feeling, individually and collectively. In revisiting these discussions as they are transcribed and at a temporal distance from the early days of social restriction when the podcast was produced, this article unpacks discoveries about signal and noise made performatively within the podcast, and theorizes pandemic listening as a condition of sonic instability and attunement that opens opportunities for reflection and transformation of systemic, habitual listening practices.

Paradise Lost and Regained in the Novels of Balchandra Rajan


Paraphrasing the Paraphrase OR What I Learned from Reading Every Issue of Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne and Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne

Abstract: This paper argues that digital humanities methods of distance reading constitute a valuable form of paraphrase of the field of Canadian literature. In this paper I demonstrate the use of distance reading to analyze the entirety of two journals in the field: Canadian Literature/Littérature canadienne and Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne. I argue that this form of analysis may demonstrate the value in some forms of thematic paraphrase.

Parasite Poetics: Noise and Queer Hospitality in Erín Moure’s O Cidadán

Abstract: In this article, I show how poet Erin Moure builds a queer critique of literature, politics, and subjectivity by using noise as a poetic medium. Moure insists that only by deliberately placing one’s literary and political attention upon what is strange, unwanted, and disruptive can we ensure a place for the heterogenous multitudes and their embodiments to come. In this way, she aligns her poetics of noise with queer theory’s turn toward negative affect and unruly becomings. This inquiry drives the structure and linguistic play of her work and is intimately connected to her probe of the limits and possibilities of citizenship and queer hospitality.

Erratum: We regret that an error was introduced to “Parasite Poetics” by editorial staff at Canadian Literature. The name of the poet who wrote Sheep's Vigil By A Fervent Person should read “Eirin Moure” instead of “Erin Mouré” on page 53. Our apologies to the author of the article and to the poet.

Passage by Land

Abstract: 1NEVER SAW A MOUNTAIN or a plain until I was twelve, almost thirteen. The world was poplar and birch-covered; muskeg ...

Passing Time and Present Absence: Looking to the Future in In the Village of Viger

Abstract: Formally arranged to accentuate the “simultaneous self-sufficiency and interdependence” (Mann 15) of the constituent stories, a story cycle is distinguished ...

Patick Anderson and the Critics

Abstract: Aj. M. SMITH’S REMARKS on Patrick Anderson in the Autumn 1968 Canadian Literature may serve as a timely reminder that ...

Patrick Lane: Barthesian Wrestler

Abstract: “…I coughed for an hour, my chest feeling like the subject of a poem by Pat Lane…” GEORGE BOWERING (64) ...

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