
  • North Spirit: Travels among the Cree and Ojibway Nations and their Star Maps by Paulette Jiles

  • The Kappa Child by Hiromi Goto

  • Mirror Writing: (Re-)Constructions of Native American Identity by Thomas Claviez and Maria Moss
  • The Mythology of Native North America by David Leeming and Jake Page
  • Contemporary American Indian Writing: Unsettling Literature by Dee Horne

  • Bodily Charm: Living Opera by Michael Hutcheon and Linda Hutcheon

  • Transmission Difficulties: Franz Boas and Tsimshian Mythology by Ralph Maud

  • Lecture mythocritique du roman québécois by Antoine Sirois
  • Aspects de la narration by Japp Lintvelt
  • L’empire du pseudo by Richard Saint-Gelais

  • New World Myth: Postmodernism and Postcolonialism in Canadian Fiction by Marie Vautier