Frank Davey

Works by Frank Davey

Book ReviewsPoetryArticlesOpinionsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Frank Davey

Metcalf in Darkest Canada
By Frank Davey
Published in Canadian Literature 185 (Summer 2005): 167-169.
  • Forde Abroad by John Metcalf
  • An Aesthetic Underground: A Literary Memoir by John Metcalf
At a Dead End
By Frank Davey
Published in Discoveries and Rediscoveries. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 55 (Winter 1973): 118-119.
  • ABC by B. P. Nicol
  • Skydeck by Stuart MacInnon
  • Catalan Poems by George McWhirter
  • Magic Water by Tom Marshall
The Limitations of Wit
By Frank Davey
Published in Lowry’s Reading. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 44 (Spring 1970): 91-92.
  • By the Light of the Silvery McLune by Lionel Kearns (Author)
Defence and Escape
By Frank Davey
Published in The Writer’s World. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 18 (Autumn 1963): 64-66.
  • Jawbreakers by Milton Acorn
  • A Friction of Lights by Eldon Grier

Poetry by Frank Davey