Paul Matthew St. Pierre

Works by Paul Matthew St. Pierre

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Paul Matthew St. Pierre

Postmods and Rockers
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Community Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 148 (Spring 1996): 184-185.
  • Fiction, Crime, and Empire: Clues to Modernity and Postmodernism by Jon Thompson
  • Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance by Philip Auslander
Récits et récitant(e)s
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Community Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 148 (Spring 1996): 182-184.
  • Zara ou la mer Noire by Sylvain Trudel
  • Belle-Moue by Huguette O'Neil
  • Le tour du sein (scrapbook) by Jeanne Painchaud
  • L'Odeur du café by Dany Laferrière
  • Accostages: Re?citset nouvelle by Ingrid Joubert (Editor)
  • Du littéraire au filmique: Syste?me du re?cit by André Gaudreault
Sovereign Lives
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in The Long Poem / Remembering bp Nichol. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 238-241.
  • Dictionary of Canadain Biography, Volume VIII: 1851-1860 by Francess G. Halpenny (Editor)
Elephant & Delirium
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Slavic and East-European Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 120 (Spring 1989): 210-212.
  • Some Talk Magic by Penny Kemp
  • A Hinge of Spring by Patience Wheatley
  • Everything Happens at Once by Yvonne Trainer
  • Cloud Gate by Claudia Lapp
  • What We Bring Home by Judith Krause
  • Candy from Strangers by Diana Hartog
Wagging Dogs
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Nature, Natural, Naturalists. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 111 (Winter 1986): 199-201.
  • Midnight Matinees by Jay Scott
  • Matinee Idol by Ron Base
A Verse to Verse
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Mothers & Daughters. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 109 (Summer 1986): 121-124.
  • Grasshopper by Helen Hawley
  • Man at Stellaco River by Andrew Wreggitt
  • Streets Too Narrow for Parades by Deborah Eibel
  • The Individual Heart by William Callaghan Jr.
  • Towards the Mystery by Alastair MacDonald
  • The Almond Tree by Allan Brown
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Poets & Politics. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 105 (Summer 1985): 183-186.
  • Ritual Murders by Steven Smith (Author)
  • Edward and Patricia by Frank Davey
  • Settlement in a School of Whales by Roger Nash (Author)
  • Wilderness Images by St. John Simmons
  • Knowledge Never Knew by Steve McCaffery
  • Ideas for Poetry by Louis Dudek
Opus Posthumous
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in B.C. Writers / Reviews Issue. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 102 (Autumn 1984): 186-187.
  • Malcolm Lowry: A Bibliography by J. Howard Woolmer
In Custody
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Science & Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 96 (Spring 1983): 124-126.
  • The Scarlet Coat Serial by David Day
  • Homage, Henry Kelsey by Jon Whyte
A Sedentary Ovation
By Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Published in Nationalism. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 75 (Winter 1977): 95-98.
  • A Private Place by Joyce Marshall
  • The Teeth of My Father by John Metcalf
  • A Dream of Horses by Fred Euringer