
Real Nice (p. 2-5)

Book Reviews

Kaleidoscope (p. 136-138)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Life by Drowning: Selected Poems by Jeni Couzyn

Book(s) Reviewed

  • These Our Mothers or: The Disintegrating Chapter by Nicole Brossard and Barbara Thomson Godard

Necessary Shorthand (p. 139-140)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Panic Field by Douglas Lochhead

Filters of Time (p. 140-142)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Coastal Range by Charles Lillard
  • In a Canvas Tent by Robert MacLean
  • Dreaming of Rivers by Eric Trethewey

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Sir Charles G. D. Roberts Symposium by Glen Clever

Poets’ Lives (p. 144-146)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Louis Dudek: A Biographical Introduction to his Poetry by Susan Stromberg-Stein
  • Morning and It's Summer by Al (Alfred W) Purdy

Poetry & Painting (p. 146-148)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Surrealism and Quebec Literature: History of a cultural revolution by Mark Czarnecki and André-G. Bourassa

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Real Places and Imaginary Men by Barry Dempster
  • The Mikveh Man and Other Stories by Sharon Drache

Black Comedy (p. 151-152)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • My Present Age by Guy Vanderhaeghe

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Anthology Anthology by Robert Weaver

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Persévérance by Michel Dachy
  • La Page tournée by Laurent Grenier
  • Visions outaouaises/Ottawax by André Duhaime
  • Et d'ailleurs by Jean Marc Dalpé

Inside Volcano (p. 157-158)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Companion to "Under the Volcano" by Chris J. Ackerley and Lawrence J. Clipper

Impalpable Jamaica (p. 158-159)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Heartlands by Philip Kreiner

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Climate Charged by B. W. Powe

The Wilde Side (p. 161-163)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Oscar Wilde by Felix Paul Greve

Herself in Place (p. 163-165)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Elizabeth Stories by Isabel Huggan
  • In a Bright Land by Alan Pearson

The Gaiety of Dread (p. 165-166)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Sing Me No Love Songs I'll Say You No Prayers: Selected Stories by Leon Rooke

Sketches & Jokes (p. 167-168)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Will Ye Let the Mummers In? by Alden Nowlan
  • The Man Who Sang in His Sleep by Robin Skelton

Armageddon (p. 168-169)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Thrill of the Grass by W. P. Kinsella

Esprit/Eau-de-vie (p. 169-171)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Crache à Pic by Antonine Maillet

Intercomprehensions (p. 171-173)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Le choc des patois en Nouvelle-France by Philippe Barbaud
  • Roman Québécois contemporain et clichés by Patrick Imbert

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Swim For Your Life by Don Bailey
  • Earthen Vessels by Ann Copeland

Different Worlds (p. 175-176)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Fair Shake: Autobiographical Essays by McGill Women by Margaret Gillet and Kay Sibbald

Affectionate Life (p. 176-179)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • William Arthur Deacon: A Literary Life by Clara Thomas and John Lennox

Bad Batch (p. 179-181)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Canadide: A Patriotic Satire by Eric Nicol
  • The Long (And Glorious) Weekend of Raymond (And Bingo) Oblongh by Kenneth Dyba

Sympathetic Magic (p. 181-183)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Amorous Unicorn by Florence Vale
  • Binding Twine by Penny Kemp
  • Auras, Tendrils: Poems of the North by Ann Fox Chandonnet
  • On Nights Like This by Marianne Bluger

Poetasting (p. 183-186)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Ritual Murders by Steven Smith
  • Edward and Patricia by Frank Davey
  • Settlement in a School of Whales by Roger Nash
  • Wilderness Images by St. John Simmons
  • Knowledge Never Knew by Steve McCaffery
  • Ideas for Poetry by Louis Dudek

Covering Kids (p. 186-188)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Crazy Ideas by Ken Roberts
  • Beyond the Door by Jacqueline Nugent
  • In the City of the King by William Pasnak

Limits of Feeling (p. 188-190)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Prisoner of the Rain by Michael Bullock
  • A Sparrow's Food by Gerry Shikatani
  • Personal Luggage by Marlene Cookshaw
  • Prophecies: Near the Speed of Light by Eva Tihanyi
  • Frieze by John Lent

Monsters Within (p. 190-192)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • From the Bedside Book of Nightmares by Suniti Namjoshi
  • Gearing of Love: Poems and Photographs by John Oughton

Vintage (p. 192-195)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Piling Blood by Al (Alfred W) Purdy