Lola Lemire Tostevin

Works by Lola Lemire Tostevin

Book ReviewsPoetryBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Lola Lemire Tostevin

Elizabeth Smart
By Lola Lemire Tostevin
Published in The Long Poem / Remembering bp Nichol. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 169-172.
  • Juvenilia by Elizabeth Smart
  • In the Meantime by Elizabeth Smart and Alice Van Wart (Editor)
  • Autobiographies by Elizabeth Smart
By Lola Lemire Tostevin
Published in Fiction in the Seventies. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 92 (Spring 1982): 141-143.
  • Right Hemisphere, Left Ear by Paul Dutton
  • The Island Man by George McWhirter
For Words
By Lola Lemire Tostevin
Published in Poetic Form. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 97 (Summer 1983): 168-170.
  • Passages of Winter by Arthur Adamson
  • Lines in the Dark Wood by Michael Bullock
  • Ghostcatcher by Stephen Guppy
  • Stonefish and Other Poems by Kevin Roberts
Museum & World
By Lola Lemire Tostevin
Published in Paradigms of Doubleness. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 104 (Spring 1985): 134-136.
  • The Better Part of Heaven by Ken Norris
  • The Little Flowers of Madame de Montespan by Jane Urquhart
  • Insel by J. Michael Yates

Poetry by Lola Lemire Tostevin