
Canadian Cultural Norms & Australian Social Rules: Susanna Moodie’s “Roughing it in the Bush” and Marcus Clarke’s “His Natural Life”
Abstract: ROUGHING IT IN THE BUSH and His Natural Life are dis- similar in a number of immediately striking ways. The ...

Canadian Exploration as Literature

Abstract: THE FIRST THREE CHAPTERS OF THE Literary History of Canada can be seen a?s?r?aising an interesting problem in literary theory ...

Canadian Fiction of the Great War

Abstract: 1 OR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields” has been memorized by Canadian schoolchildren or declaimed reverently ...

Canadian Historical Fiction for Children: A Survey

Abstract: Ij i s A WRY COMMENTARY on the state of Canadian historical fiction for children that a consideration begins with ...

Canadian Literature and Commonwealth Responses

Abstract: W’E HAVE GROWN into a habit in Canada of thinking our- selves influenced rathe?r thTaEnHinfluential, and imitative rather than innovative. ...

Canadian Literature: An Italian View

Abstract: Dr. Rimanelli is a distinguished Italian novelist and critic who has spent much time in Canada and has written a ...

Canadian Literature: The First Ten Years

Abstract: I FIND IT HARD to remember the time — only ten years ago, was it? — when “there was no ...

Canadian Magazines

Abstract: ?LWENTY OR THIRTY YEARS ago one of the great glories of North America was it?s WmEagazines. One didn’t realize this, ...

Canadian Mennonite Literature

Abstract: “EFORE DISCUSSING the literature of the Canadian Men- nonites a short historical sketch of Mennonitism is in order. The Mennonites ...

Canadian Native Literature and the Sixties: A Historical and Biographical Survey

Abstract: I. “Native Literature in the Sixties?”—Stating a Dilemma H.L.: I was asked to contribute to a book on Canadian literature ...