
MacEwen’s Muse
Abstract: Now you comprehend your first and final lover in the dark receding planets of his eyes, and this is the ...

MacLennan and Yeats

Abstract: HUGH MACLENNAN’S SPHINX evokes images of bewilderment, anarchy, and terror associated with its Classical archetype. It’s more recent predecessor is, ...

Magic Realism as Post-Colonial Discourse

Abstract: ?LHE CONCEPT OF MAGIC REALISM is a troubled one for lit- 1 IHE erary theory. Since Franz Roh first coined ...

Magic, Not Magicians: “Beautiful Losers” and “Story of O”

Abstract: QUR CULTURE is one which sets a great value on indi- viduality, the preservation of the unique personality. This idea ...

Making Stories, Making Selves: “Alternate Versions” in The Stone Diaries

Abstract: In one form or another, the spectre of multiplicity still haunts criticism of The Stone Diaries a decade after its ...

Malcolm Lowry—A Note

Abstract: OPINION OF MALCOLM LOWRY as a writer is of course already on record, in the “blurb” which I was asked ...

Malcom Lowry and the Cinema

Abstract: LIOWRY’S THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE and appreciation of cine- matic technique came from his sustained, intense interest in the world of the ...

Malcom’s Katie: Images and Songs

Abstract: ISABELLA VALANCY CRAWFORD’S “Malcolm’s Katie”, as we learn from the sub-title, is a love story. But even the most cursory ...

Malinalco, Mexico 1962

Abstract: W e set out yesterday for the Aztec ruins at Malinalco. They are not particularly old as Mexican ruins go—only ...

Man in the Maze

Abstract: ?IHE RECENT reprinting of Douglas Le Pan’s only novel, The IHE Deserter, in the New Canadian Library should serve to ...