
The Currency of Visibility and the Paratext of “Evelyn Lau”
Abstract: I was relieved that I wasn’t being slotted into yet another panel of women writers or multicultural writers struggling to ...
The Decline of Words in Drama

Abstract: I? J O Y C E ‘ S Finnegan’s Wake, a play is announced which never takes place. H. G. ...

The Defence of Lady Chatterley

Abstract: UNTiL RECENTLY our Canadian sex hunters have been more modest than their American brothers: they have seldom dared attack a ...

The Descent into Hell of Jacques Laruelle: Chapter I of Under the Volcano


The Desert, The River, & The Island: Naim Kattan’s Short Stories

Abstract: WIiTHI THE APPEARANCE OF Nairn Kattan’s fourth volume of short stories critical assessment, which has lagged far behind his output, ...

The Divided Self

Abstract: “the labyrinth holds me” (“A night in the Royal Ontario Museum”) “I am the cause” (“It is dangerous to read ...

The Dodo and the Cruising Auk: Class in Canadian Literature

Abstract: ?IHIS is A PAPER about our society and our literature, and it assumes a correlation between the kind of society ...

The Dragon in the Fog

Abstract: IN TIMOTHY FINDLEY’S novel The Wars, Robert Ross, soon after arriving in Europe, finds himself leading a line of horses ...

The Dynamite Man: A Chapter in Autobiography

Abstract: ?HERE ARE PEOPLE who do not necessarily dominate periods of our lives, but who signalize them, so that when we ...

The Edge of Eternity

Abstract: MALCOLM LOWRY’S “Forest Path to the Spring”1 is a story without a plot but rich in detail. Thirty thousand words ...

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