
O’Hagan’s Rough-edged Chronicle
Abstract: ?LHE FASHION in our generation of authors is to have stories of heroes told by anItHi-Eheroes. Narrators have gradually forced ...
Observance without Belief

Abstract: BRIAN MOORE has the distinction of being a writer with two 1 nationalities, Canadian and Irish, though he now lives ...

Ocean to Ocean: G. M. Grant’s ’round unvarnish’d tale’

Abstract: GEORGE MONRO GRANT’S Ocean to Ocean has often been described as a classic Canadian travel book, and rightly so. Few ...

Octave Crémazie and His Return to Mother Death

Abstract: ?HERE HAS BEEN A TENDENCY to identify the poet Octave Crémazie (Quebec 1827-Le Havre 1879) with the national expression of ...

Oedipus and Menaud: The Self-Affirmative Complex in Andre? Brochu’s Le Mai?tre re?veur

Abstract: It is difficult to talk about André Brochu without mentioning Parti-pris, which Brochu helped found in 1963 when he was ...

Of Alan Crawley

Abstract: IN I94I, a small quarterly publication of poetry, Contempor- ary Verse, appeared in British Columbia. The editor was Alan Crawley. ...

Oh Canada

Abstract: ?.HERE AREN’T ENOUGH PEOPLE in it, that’s what’s the matter ? HE with Canada.” How often have I heard that ...

On Becoming an Indian Starboy

Abstract: Given my own coordinates, transnationalism seems to have been bred in the marrow. It and various forms of queerness swing ...

On Carl F. Klinck

Abstract: MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS AGO, when he published Wilfred Campbell: A Study in Late Provincial Victorianism (1942), Carl Fred- erick ...

On Coming to British Columbia

Abstract: Q”F ALL THE BANES AND BENISONS afforded by life in coastal British Columbia, the relative isolation is surely the greatest ...

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