
A Colonial Romantic: Major John Richardson, Soldier and Novelist
Abstract: Desmond Pacey PART I : THE EARLY YEARS MAJOR JOHN RICHARDSON was the first Canadian novelist to achieve an international ...
A Colonial Romantic: Major John Richardson, Soldier and Novelist

Abstract: ?HE JOHN RICHARDSON who returned to Canada in February, 1838, was a vastly different being from the ambitious young ensign ...

A Core of Brilliance: Margaret Avison’s Achievement

Abstract: M,LARGARET AVISON’S experimental poetry has come of age; we may now place her in the front rank of Canadian poets. ...

A Country Without a Soul

Abstract: Abstract: In an attempt to escape his romantic entanglements and recover from his nervous collapse, the romantic young English poet Rupert Brooke visited the United States as well as central and western Canada in 1913. The deeply personal travel articles he submitted to pay for his expenses, later published as Letters from America, stand apart from the enthusiastic accounts of economic progress and beckoning wilderness written by his fellow British travellers in that age of renewed British interest in the self-governing dominions. Though an imperialist, himself, Brooke was highly critical of the individualism and materialism that he felt characterized Canada even more than the country to the south, and he felt alienated in a thinly-populated country that he claimed was without tradition and without a soul.

A Country Without a Soul: Rupert Brooke’s Gothic Vision of Canada

Abstract: In an attempt to escape his romantic entanglements and recover from his nervous collapse, the romantic young English poet Rupert Brooke visited the United States as well as central and western Canada in 1913. The deeply personal travel articles he submitted to pay for his expenses, later published as Letters from America, stand apart from the enthusiastic accounts of economic progress and beckoning wilderness written by his fellow British travellers in that age of renewed British interest in the self-governing dominions. Though an imperialist, himself, Brooke was highly critical of the individualism and materialism that he felt characterized Canada even more than the country to the south, and he felt alienated in a thinly-populated country that he claimed was without tradition and without soul.

A Critic of Life: Louis Dudek as a Man of Letters

Abstract: ALL POETRY NOWADAYS, anyhow, is someone’s effort to save his soul.” So wrote Louis Dudek in the first issue of ...

A Cultural Flirtation

Abstract: / . Robert Fulford “Culture is a many faceted jewel, each facet of which must be measured by a different ...

A Cursed and Singular Blessing

Abstract: SOUSTER is one of those rare poets who, like a good wine, improve with age. I’m not sure whose age, ...

A Cycle Completed: The Nine Novels of Robertson Davies

Abstract: HOTSPUR: Why, so can I, or so can any man, But will they come if you do call to them? ...

A Cycle of Ind

Abstract: And in your excitement a t the trip, the last thing in the world that would occur to you is ...

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