
A Double-Bladed Knife: Subversive Laughter in Two Stories by Thomas King
Abstract: QrNCE UPON A TIME LONG AGO, in 1972 to be exact, I wrote a book called Survival, which was about ...
A Feeling of Completion: Aspects of W. O. Mitchell

Abstract: W?? ? BECAME A MAN,” wrote Saint Paul to the Corin thians, “I put away childish things.” In context, this ...

A Feminist Reading of “The Stone Angel”

Abstract: ?HE STONE ANGEL is a carefully organized novel which operates on two obvious levels: the present time of the novel ...

A Fine Romance, My Dear, This Is


A Firm Balance: Questions d’e?quilibre et rapport de force dans les repre?sentations des litte?ratures anglophone et francophone du Canada

Abstract: L’étude des discours critiques portant sur la relation entre les littératures canadiennes d’expression anglaise et d’expression française révèle une présence ...

A Force of Interruption: The Photography of History in Timothy Findley’s The Wars

Abstract: That memory is structured photographically in Timothy Findley’s The Wars (1977) is a critical commonplace. But, despite a wealth of ...

A Forest of Symbols: An Introduction to Saint-Denys Garneau

Abstract: A NEW ERA in French-Canadian poetry began when Saint-Denys Garneau published a volume of twenty-eight poems early in 1937. The ...

A Gift of Love: Lampman and Life

Abstract: ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN is rightly remembered for the few nature poems illuminated by his personal “small clear flame”. Unfortunately we are ...

A Grab at Proteus: Notes on Irving Layton

Abstract: M? ANY WRITERS ARE BEST read out of their own settings. This is so especially in Canada, where the literary ...

A House Without Books: The Writer in Canadian Society

Abstract: A, to be a writer in Canada occurred in the summer of 1986 when I was on holiday at the ...

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