
The Romance of Penelope: Audrey Thomas’s Isobel Carpenter Trilogy
Abstract: THE PROBLEM AND THE DANGER of reading an avowedly autobiographical noveIliHstEis the tendency to ignore the art, the transformation pro- ...
The Saving Grace

Abstract: SAVING GRACE IS POETRY. If one defines poetry as the T?? enlightenment of fact, the worth of experience, the attainment ...

The Sculpture of Poetry: On Louis Dudek

Abstract: Nl.ow THAT THE FEUDS have died down it would no longer be appropriate for A. J. M. Smith to cry: ...

The Search for FPG

Abstract: D. O. SPETTIGUE’S DISCOVERY of the true identity of the late Canadian novelist who called himself Frederick Philip Grove will ...

The Secular Opiate: Marxism as an Ersatz Religion in Three Canadian Texts

Abstract: Proletarian literature in Canada often produces ideo- logical misgivings in Marxist critics, particularly Robin Mathews in “The Socio-Political Novel” (146), ...

The Self and the Other: Quebec Travellers in the Middle East and at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Abstract: S’il n’y a pas d’Ici sans Ailleurs, et vice-versa, on conviendra du moins que l’examen d’une identité collective, quelle qu’elle ...

The Servants of Clio: Notes on Creighton & Groulx

Abstract: IT WAS NOT WITHOUT REASON that the ancients placed history under the patronage of the muses. For the great works ...

The Settler-Colonial Jouissance of Western Alienation: Mapping the Ideological Terrain of Canadian Pipeline Politics

Abstract: This paper explores the settler-colonial jouissance of the subject of Western alienation, an imaginary figure with whom proponents of fossil fuel development encourage people in Alberta to identify, through an examination of the public discourses that promote pipeline projects in Canada. The dual aims of this paper are, first, to explicate some aspects of the ideological-discursive terrain of Canadian-Albertan pipeline conflicts with reference to concepts from Lacanian and Žižekian theory, and second, to show more broadly how psychoanalysis can be a useful tool for analyzing Canadian environmental politics. To explain why the subject’s enjoyment is perpetually frustrated, I examine the rhetoric of fossil fuel industry proponents, such as former Alberta premier Jason Kenney, who invoke scapegoats responsible for “landlocking” Alberta oil. This scapegoating intensifies the drive to continually fail to achieve political autonomy and economic self-sufficiency. Pipeline proponents appeal to “new markets in Asia Pacific,” overseas sites of total enjoyment which the landlocked subject of Western alienation is perpetually denied. These social fantasies work in concert to conceal the colonial, capitalistic, and climactic antagonisms inherent to oil sands development, and mobilize consent for pipeline projects.

The Singing Metaphor: Poetry of Rienzi Crusz

Abstract: R1 V.IENZI CRUSZ STANDS squarely in the English literary tradi- tion of Shakespeare, Milton and the Bible. His mother tongue ...

The Sleeping Giant: Or the Uncreated Conscience of the Race

Abstract: Neither capons norpullets norhens Can wake the sun and the world; Only the prophets of the Old Testament, Huge old ...

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