
The Third Eye: Jay MacPherson’s The Boatman
Abstract: ?.H E WORLD of Canadian poetry is like some lonely farm h o u s e a t t h ...
The Thought of George Monro Grant

Abstract: GIEORGE MONRO GRANT, CLERGYMAN, educator, patriot, and controversialist, was one of the most active of the small group of intellectuals ...

The Three Tropographies of Ronald Wright’s A Scientific Romance

Abstract: Gary Wolfe’s useful work on the iconography of science fiction suggests that, as the science fiction genre has developed, its ...

The Transmutation of History

Abstract: THE CHILD has an enviable capacity to fall in love with a book. His response is total—intellect, emotion and spirit ...

The Travelling Life: An Account of some Pits and Peaks in a Three-Week Poetry Reading Tour of Canada

Abstract: ?[HE ENTRANCE HALL OF THE COLLEGE is thick with chat- tering students, all anIiHmEated, all in a hurry. I sway ...

The Trick of Divining a Postcolonial Canadian Identity: Margaret Laurence Between Race and Nation

Abstract: The postcolonial stance in Canadian literature and lit- erary theory is inspired by contradictory impulses.1 On the one hand, post- ...

The Trope of the Translator: (Re)Writing History in Heather O’Neill’s The Girl Who Was Saturday Night and Claire Holden Rothman’s My October


This essay focuses on two novels that deal with major cultural clashes in Quebec: Heather O’Neill’s The Girl Who Was Saturday Night (2014), set on the eve of the 1995 referendum, and Claire Holden Rothman’s My October (2014), which considers the October Crisis of 1970. Rather than shore up the divisions traditionally associated with these events, I argue that both novels encapsulate the anglophone desire for rapprochement within the context of Quebec’s evolving social and political dynamics.

The True Quebec as Revealed to English Canada: Translated Novels, 1864-1950

Abstract: W. Canadian literature for knowledge of the French-Canadian people.”1 Thus Charles G. D. Roberts, translator of Les anciens canadiens, defines ...

The Two Traditions: Literature and the ferment in Quebec

Abstract: A POWERFUL MOVEMENT is stirring in Québec for seces- sion from the Confederation. A recent questionnaire by the Montreal newspaper ...

The Tyranny of Words?: Malcolm Lowry’s Tender Is the Night

Abstract: When in1949,inDollarton,BritishColumbia, Malcolm Lowry turned from the novels and short stories he had in progress to work with his wife ...

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