
A Problem of Meaning
Abstract: BEFORE EVEN LOOKING AT the plays of James Reaney it might be good to remind ourselves that there is something ...
A Reading of Anne Wilkinson

Abstract: WHEN I HEARD last spring of the death of Anne Wilkin son I read once again,YandTHaEt !a single sitting, all ...

A Recollection of Wyndham Lewis

Abstract: The following recollection is part of a letter which the late Lome Pierce wrote on the 29th April, i960 to ...

A Rejected Preface

Abstract: In 1936 appeared the historic anthology, New Provinces,, which has always been re- garded as one of the most important ...

A Residential School Memoir: Basil Johnston’s Indian School Days

Abstract: The publication in 1988 of Basil Johnston’s Indian School Daysinitiated an explosion of writing about residential schools in Canada. A ...

A Righteous War? L. M. Montgomery’s Depiction of the First World War in Rilla of Ingleside

Abstract: On March n, 1919, Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote in her journal: “I began work on my tenth novel today. It ...

A Rose Grows in Whylah Falls: Transplanted Traditions in George Elliott Clarke’s “Africadia”

Abstract: George Elliott Clarke’s WhylahFalls is a collection of poems, prose paragraphs, letters, photographs and fictionalized newspaper clippings focusing on life ...

A Short History of Indians in Canada

Abstract: (from Toronto Life, August 1997) Can’t sleep, Bob Haynie tells the doorman a t the King Edward. Can’t sleep, can’t ...

A Size Larger than Seeing: The Poetry of P. K. Page

Abstract: A POET’S IDENTITY MAY BE FOUND in the habits of feeling and insight that are particularly, almost obsessively, her own ...

A Space to Play In; Or, Telling the (W)hole Story: The Recent Poetry of Robert Gibbs

Abstract: I, IN A 1986 REVIEW ARTICLE for Canadian Literature Maritime writer, poet, editor, critic, teacher (and gourmet cook) Robert Gibbs ...

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