
Breathing Through the Feet: An Autobiographical Meditation
Abstract: NYOGEN SENZAKI, A ZEN TEACHER of particular impor- tance to me, and one whose path I have often crossed, though ...
Brébeuf’s Spiritual Journal

Abstract: ?,HE WELL KNOWN WRITINGS OF Jean de Brébeuf consist of IHE the two lengthy reports included in The Jesuit Relations, ...

Brian Moore

Abstract: LrES PRINCIPAUX PERSONNAGES des quatre romans de Brian Moore sont Irlandais. Que l’intrigue se déroule à Montréal, comme dans The ...

Broken Generations in “Obasan”: Inner Conflict and the Destruction of Community

Abstract: ?LHE REMARKABLE SUCCESS of Joy Kogawa’s documentary ?HE novel in weaving historical fact and subjective experience into a coherent whole ...

Buggering With History: Sexual Warfare and Historical Reconstruction in Timothy Findley’s The Wars

Abstract: the past is the fiction of the present —MICHEL DE CERTEAU The Writing of History In 1901,Henry James wrote to ...

Building on Common Ground: An Interview with Neil Bissoondath

Abstract: PVT: Tell me about your family history. NB: Both sides of the family left India to come to Trinidad as ...

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