
Signs on a White Field: Klein’s Second Scroll
Abstract: It is a fabled city that I seek; It stands in Space’s vapours and Time’s haze; (“Autobiographical”. The Second Scroll.] ...
Silencing the Word in Howard O’Hagan’s Tay John

Abstract: THE LANGUAGE OF LEGEND As the naming of its three parts (“Legend,” “Hearsay,” “Evidence— without a finding”) well might suggest, ...

Simulacra and Stimulations: Cocksure, Postmodernism, and Richler’s Phallic Hero

Abstract: Whether or not Mordecai Richler’s Cocksure (1968) can still be regarded as “one of the most embarrassing books in Canadian ...

Sinclair Ross’s Ambivalent World

Abstract: QNE OF THE MOST HAUNTING phrases in all of Canadian fiction has to me always been the last line of ...

Singing with the Frogs

Abstract: In September 1996, a small group of poets, students and scholars met at Trent University, in Peterborough, Ontario, for what ...

Skaay on the Cosmos

Abstract: 1Since its translation by Robert Bringhurst, the work of Skaay of Qquuna (?1827-?1905) has acquired a following among non-Haida readers, ...

Skinned: Taxidermy and Pedophilia in Alice Munro’s ‘Vandals’

Abstract: “Nature hides.” –HeraclitusTaxidermy is a narrative art. Whether the animal’s body is part of a diorama containing an overabundance of ...

Sober Colouring: The Ontology of Super-Realism

Abstract: SUPER-REALISM, yes, because that is how I think of my fiction, quite deliberately and consciously, very likely unconsciously too. When ...

Soccer and the City: The Unwieldy National in Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For

Abstract:   Michael Buma   Soccer and the City: The Unwieldy National in Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For   ...

Something Fishy at Boundary Bay: Frances Herring and the Literary Construction of British Columbia

Abstract: British Columbia’s relationship to Canada has always been marked by ambivalence; from the province’s frustration over the slow pace of ...

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