
You are browsing the search results for "author/Wilhelm_Emilsson/rev/date"

By David Staines
Published in Mothers & Daughters. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 109 (Summer 1986): 117-119.
  • Everson at Eighty: Poems by R. G. Everson by R. G. Everson
  • Windfalls for Cider: The Poems of Raymond Knister by Raymond Knister
  • The Land They Gave Away: New and Selected Poems by Andrew Suknaski
  • Collected Poems by George Woodcock
Ways with Words
By Ian Sowton
Published in B.C. Writers / Reviews Issue. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 102 (Autumn 1984): 125-128.
  • Just Off Main by Gary Hyland
  • Ignoring the Bomb by Lionel Kearns (Author)
  • Pointwise by Derk Wynand (Author)