
Mrs. Moodie’s Beloved Partner
Abstract: M.>OST READERS WHO DEPEND solely on one of the cur- rently available editions of Roughing It in the Bush for ...
Multiculturalism and the Formation of a Diasporic Counterpublic in Roy K. Kiyooka’s StoneDGloves

Abstract: Multiculturalism and the Formation of a Diasporic Counterpublic in Roy K. Kiyooka’s StoneDGloves Stephen Morton Canadian multiculturalism, as the Canadian ...

Music and Medicine

Abstract: THE SEARCH FOR NATIONAL AND PERSONAL IDENTITY, those IHE precarious and related modes of being essential to action, dominates all ...

Must All Asianness Be American? The Census, Racial Classication, and Asian Canadian Emergence

Abstract: [N]othing classifies somebody more than the way he or she classifies. – Pierre Bourdieu, In Other Words (131) I begin ...

My Final Hour

Abstract: IAM BEING GIVEN A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY.* I Will not have to postpone until my last gasp the imparting of the ...

My Great-grand-uncle’s Bequest

Abstract: E, one-eyed alien from Star Trek. Space monsters, however frightening and ugly, are in the final analysis rather comforting creatures. ...

Myrna Kostash: Ukrainian Canadian Non-Fiction Prairie New Leftist Feminist Canadian Nationalist

Abstract: Preface:This interview is part of a larger project, “Diaspora, Indigeneity, Ethnicity,” funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ...

Myth and Prejudice in Kirby, Richardson, and Parker

Abstract: THE VIOLENT CLASH OF THREE CULTURES in Canada during the eighteenth century seems to offer an ideal setting for the ...

Myth, Frye and Canadian Writers

Abstract: WHEN ROBERT KROETSCHpublished The Words of My Roaring in 1966, I th?ougThHt,Ethe Canadian writer is finally home free. It was ...

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