
Portrait of the Artist as Young Pup
Abstract: MONTREAL HAS A CERTAIN GENIUS for spawning poetic movements — from poets like A. J. M. Smith and Frank Scott ...
Portrait of the Poet as Joyce Scholar: An Approach to A. M. Klein

Abstract: PERHAPS IT IS A NAIVE QUESTION,” Klein wrote in 1946, “but who is our Edmund Wilson, who our T. S. ...

Postmodern Myth, Post-European History, and the Figure of the Amerindian: François Barcelo, George Bowering, and Jacques Poulin

Abstract: Most studies of Québécois and English Canadian liter- ature in the 1960s and early 1970s, from Gilles Marcotte’s Une Littérature ...

Postmodernisme et critique sociale dans le théâtre de Patrick Leroux

Abstract: Le théâtre de Patrick Leroux est particulièrement représentatif des transformations esthétiques qui ont eu cours en dramaturgie franco-ontarienne depuis une ...

Postmodernist War Fiction: Findley’s The Wars

Abstract: Since the most celebrated accounts of the First World War were produced by combatants,1 it has generally been assumed that ...

Power Politics in Bluebeard’s Castle

Abstract: Is it possible for men and women to stop mythologizing, manipulating, and attacking one another? MARGARET ATWOOD, 1971 IF THE ...

Pratt’s Treatment of History in “Towards the Last Spike”

Abstract: 1IN A LECTURE DELIVERED IN 1969, “The Documentary Poem: A Canadian Genre,”1 Dorothy Livesay argued that it was the documentary ...

Preface to a Novel

Abstract: This preface to the French Edition of Under the Volcano, which casts consider- able light on Malcolm Lowry’s view of ...

Présences de l’Autre dans Agaguk d’Yves Thériault

Abstract: Reprenant le titre du livre d’Éric Landowski, nousnous inspirerons des principes qu’il pose dans son essai de sémiotique pour mettre ...

Priapus in the Danse Macabre

Abstract: R KROETSCH’S three novels, But We Are Exiles (1965), The Words of My Roaring (1966), and The Studhorse Man (1970) ...

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