
  • Falling Together by Lorne Daniel
  • Standing On Our Own Two Feet by W. B. Robertson
  • The Moving Light by Eugene McNamara

  • Different Dragons by Jean Little
  • Plan B Is Total Panic by Martyn Godfrey
  • The Curses of the Third Uncle by Paul Yee

  • A Forest for Zoe by Louise Maheux-Forcier and David Lobdell

  • Une enfance a l’eau bénite by Denise Bombardier
  • La note de passage by François Gravel

  • Berlin Solstice by Sylvia Fraser

  • Mademoiselle Hortense ou l’école du septième rang by Lionel Allard
  • Il est bien court, le temps de cerises by Jacques Fillion

  • Une mémoire déchirée by Terese Renaud
  • La haine entre les dents by Alice Brunel-Roche
Review Childhood

  • A Winnipeg Childhood by Dorothy Livesay

  • Every Time We Say Goodbye by Jamie Zeppa
  • Miracleville by Monique Polak