
Heideggerian Elements in Robert Kroetsch’s “Seed Catalogue”
Abstract: ROBERT KROETSCH’S Seed Catalogue is neither phenome- nological nor structuralist, to borrow a distinction made by David Carroll in The ...
Hemingway and Callaghan: Friends and Writers

Abstract: 1F MORLEY CALLAGHAN has a hound of heaven on his trail, it is probably Ernest Hemingway, for Callaghan cannot escape ...

Heroic Imaginings: Judaism, Masculinity, and Compensation in Richler’s The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, St. Urbain’s Horseman, and Solomon Gursky Was Here


This paper explores the evolving pattern of hero worship in Mordecai Richler’s The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1959), Saint Urbain’s Horseman (1966), and Solomon Gursky Was Here (1989). It posits that both the ineffectual protagonists and the supremely capable heroes they imagine in the novels are a consequence of the generation into which Richler and his characters were born. This generation is marked not only by the Holocaust, but also by the unbelievable outcome of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. At once haunted by the ghosts of the past and stalked by the new expectations of the present, Richler’s protagonists employ displacement to reconcile themselves to competing notions of what it means to be a Jewish man in the second half of the 20th century.

High Colonialism in Canada

Abstract: ?IHERE ARE CANADIANS who regard our colonial beginnings ??? with distaste and who consider filial gratitude from a young culture ...

High Seas: Elizabeth Bishop Returns Home

Abstract: In September 1917, Elizabeth Bishop took a train ride from the small Nova Scotian village she had grown up in, ...

Hill 100: Outline for an Unwritten Novel

Abstract: STORY WOULD OPEN in early days of French colonization of Canada. Hill 100 would be situated in goldmining area of ...

His Legend a Jungle Sleep: Michael Ondaatje and Henri Rousseau

Abstract: Having to put forward candidates for God I nominate Henri Rousseau and Dr ?ucke. “The Vault” THE CHOICE, FOR THIS ...

His Own Best Narrator: Franz Boas and Kwakiutl Tales

Abstract: In the last ten years or so, ethnography has become an increasingly self-conscious discipline. Anthropologists express a keen awareness of ...

History and Place: An Interview with Daphne Marlatt

Abstract: Born in Melbourne, Australia, where her British father was stationed during World War II, Daphne Marlatt is a Vancouver poet ...

History and the Poetic Construct: The Modernism of A. M. Klein

Abstract: LORTRAIT OF THE POET AS LANDSCAPE” presents A. M. Klein’s fullest poetic rendering of the story of the archetypical modernist. ...

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