
What Would Sam Waters Do? Guy Vanderhaeghe and Søren Kierkegaard
Abstract: He takes a step towards me [Ed]. I find myself thinking very hard.  The inevitable question arises. What would Sam ...
What’s the Matter? Authors in Carol Shields’ Short Fiction

Abstract: In all her fiction ? long and short ? Carol Shields returns repeatedly to the figure of the writer, usually ...

Wheels on Fire: The Train of Thought in George Ryga’s The Ecstasy of Rita Joe

Abstract: FROM CASEY JONES ?? SIGMUND FREUD the train is an ambigu- ous and powerful icon. It has been used to ...

Where Are You, Mother? Alice Munro’s Save the Reaper

Abstract: In an interview with Geoff Hancock nearly twenty years ago, Alice Munro recognized her lifelong “obsession” with the relationship of ...

Whiteoak Chronicles: A Reassessment

Abstract: DOROTHY LivESAY recently suggested that “the time has come when we must cease being literary snobs in Canada and look ...

Who Is He? The Missing Persons Behind the Pronoun in Atwood’s Surfacing

Abstract: One need not be a Chamber—to be Haunted— One need not be a House— The Brain has Corridors—surpassing Material Place—….Emily ...

Who’s the Father of Mrs. Bentley’s Child?: “As For Me and My House: and the Conventions of Dramatic Monologue

Abstract: ?IRITICISM OF As For Me and My House has come a long way since Roy Daniells was “taken in” by ...

Wholly Drunk or Wholly Sober?

Abstract: IN ALDEN NOWLAN’S early poetry (before 1969) the self is essentially a single, homogeneous entity. Although it is never “wholly ...

Why and How and Why Not and What Is This, About Starting Another Novel . . .

Abstract: W.AT BEGAN AS AN IDEA many years ago, and must be written because it has not been forgotten, has begun ...

Why I Am an Expatriate

Abstract: O? A HOT JUNE DAY in 1949 I sailed from Montreal. I stood by the rails on the deck of ...

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