
In Double Harness
Abstract: ” I V I y hunch was,” writes Robert E. Carter in sketching the hypothesis of Becoming Bamboo: Western and ...
In Haliburton’s Nova Scotia: “The Old Judge or Life in a Colony”

Abstract: ?HOMAS CHANDLER HALIBURTON was the most famous writer in nineteenth-century British North America. In spite of his renown the book ...

In Search of Agnes Strickland’s Sisters

Abstract: I, IN 1978, WITH VERY LITTLE EXPERIENCE in the use of archival resources, I began a sabbatical project — to ...

In the Name-of-the-Father: Robert Zend’s “Oäb” (or the up(Z)énding of trïdution)

Abstract: 1, Robert Zend has applied with great wit all the gestures of mime, the optical illusions of Escher’s logic, the ...

In the Raw: The Poetry of A. W. Purdy

Abstract: ?[wo POETRIES are now competing, a cooked and a raw. .. . There is poetry thlawt can only be studied, ...

In the Semi-Colon of the North

Abstract: GI OING STRAIGHT NORTH AS AN ARROW, had I looked at a map to shoot my direction and progress, the ...

In the Whale’s Belly: Jay Macpherson’s Poetry

Abstract: JAY MACPHERSON’S FIRST MAJOR BOOK of poems, The Boatman, was published in 1957 by Oxford University Press and then republished ...

In Tune with Tomorrow

Abstract: WHILE GROWING UP ON A FRASER VALLEY farm, I liked going for the cows. Along the trails from the pasture, ...

Inceste, Onrisme et Inversion: “Neige Noir” et l’identite apocryphe

Abstract: DANS L’OEUVRE ROMANESQUE d’Aquin, une présence obsé- dante ne cesse de s’inscrire sourdement, celle de l’emprise maternelle. Présence qui demeure ...

Indexing Vancouver: Image Bank’s International Image Exchange Directory

Abstract: The Image Bank International Image Exchange Directory claims to have been published by Talonbooks in 1972, but it does not feature in histories of that quintessential west coast press. As a response to this absence, this article explores the intermedial practices and social scenes surrounding the press, Vancouver’s Intermedia Society (1967-1972), and related sites where the city’s countercultures and neo-avant-garde came into contact. A visual analysis of two photographic images printed in the Directory, one urban, one rural, reveals a social imaginary for Vancouver in which the city flips into different registers of semiotic coding at local, national and transnational levels. The city features in the imaginary geographies of a neo-avant-garde interested in the psychological and cultural impact of media technologies, as per Marshall McLuhan’s “global village,” of transnational media space. Conversely, given a context of post-Centennial cultural nationalism, the Directory also indexes the city within a counter-environment where a utopian state of queer futurity could thrive.

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