Nature Red in Tooth and Claw

  • Wallace Edwards
    The Painted Circus: P.T. Vermin presents A Mesmerizing Menagerie of Trickery and Illusion Guaranteed to Beguile and Bamboozle the Beholder. Kids Can Press
  • Barbara Wyn Klunder
    Other Goose: Recycled Rhymes for Our Fragile Times. Groundwood
  • Shelley Falconer and Shawna White
    Stones, Bones and Stitches: Storytelling Through Inuit Art. Tundra Books
  • Christopher Patton (Author) and Cybèle Young
    Jack Pine. Groundwood
Reviewed by Sarika P. Bose
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This review “Nature Red in Tooth and Claw” originally appeared in Canada and Its Discontents. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 198 (Autumn 2008): 142-143.

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