Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning Literatures in Canada and Quebec

Kathryn Grafton of CanLit Guides is welcoming papers for the Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures (ACQL) panel at Congress 2015.

The panel aims to open up discussions on teaching and learning literatures in Canada and Quebec by considering questions such as: How can sharing case studies of particular texts, activities, and assignments offer us insights into best pedagogical practices? What happens when we teach a writer or text in a national as compared to a regional, Aboriginal, postcolonial, or world literature context?

Analyses of both historical and contemporary texts as well as a variety of theoretical and pedagogical approaches are encouraged, provided they have a focus on teaching and learning.

This is part of a larger project that includes further development of CanLit Guides, a modular online learning resource; a workshop at the University of British Columbia (2016); and a special issue of Canadian Literature on teaching and learning literatures in Canada (2017).

Proposals for papers are due 1 February 2015 (maximum 300 words with a short biography and a 50-word abstract). For more information, visit ACQL’s Call for Papers.